Sunday, August 06, 2006

Guns, Guns, and more Guns

All Iraqi citizens should have the "right to bear arms", right? As the United States of America promotes and is instrumental in creating a "Democracy" in Iraq it seems reasonable that we should also promote our 2nd Amendment that has been such a fundamental principle for most of those that are in favor of the current struggle to "free" Iraq and its people.

A major rationale by advocates of a strict and absolute interpretation of the United States 2nd Amendment is that all citizens must have the right (with virtually no exceptions) to "bear arms" in order to protect themselves and their families from any threat or incursion, foreign or domestic.

From all news accounts it is the "innocent civilian" population in Iraq that is being killed by the thousands. Is there a prohibition in Iraq that prevents any and all Iraqi citizens from having weapons to "protect" themselves and their families? If there is, a question might be, why? If the proponents of the actions in Iraq consider "our" right to bear arms as absolutely critical to maintaining our own democracy and indeed the very survival of our Nation shouldn't it follow that the "free" Iraqi citizens should have that same "right"? How can the people of Iraq ever be truly "free" if they don't possess the presumed ability to create their own freedom through self protection? Is it possible that those individuals or groups carrying out the killing and destruction of so many innocent people might hesitate or even begin to stop these actions if they knew all the citizens might be armed and willing to protect themselves?

It seems the time has come to test the "principle" of our 2nd Amendment and those who promote it so strongly here in America where it has been so abused and misinterpreted for so long. The NRA should be pushing for the "right to bear arms" for all citizens of Iraq, right? Are their actions here true belief or politically motivated? How can those helpless people possibly survive and gain real freedom without self-protection? Isn't that a bedrock priciple of Democracy? It is realatively easy to "stage" the argument here in America where the need for self-protection from an oppressive Government or armed incursion is highly unlikely. The result of American citizens having the "right to bear arms" (in the manner we do) has, in fact, brought about the highest rate of death by firearm in the world. But we have the "right" to do it, don't we?

In the end, if the Iraqi people truly want this "freedom" and democracy that is being "offered" or "given" to them, those same Iraqi citizens should be willing to "bear arms" and fight for their own freedom!! Gun advocates in America wouldn't have it any other way, right?

On the other hand, it is also possible and highly likely that if millions of "innocent" Iraqi citizens were to become "armed and dangerous" while enjoying the sacred "right to bear arms", the killing field in Iraq would rapidly expand beyond any semblance of control (not that there is any consistent control now).

Time To Think Again....

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