Sunday, March 09, 2008

Questions NOT being asked

Now that the candidates of the office of President of the United States of America are basically defined by the results of the primary voting to date (Yes, there is still a question on the Democrat side) I am struck that none of these candidates are being asked some pertinent questions. I suppose it may be because the media is "afraid" or they have been told that certain areas are off limits. All "we the people" get are the sound bites that sound the best or a laundry list of promises that cannot be kept.

I am going to post a series of questions that (at least in my opinion) need to be addressed and answered because they cut through the "campaign speak" and get to a piece of the truth about our candidates and their intentions.

The first (and not necessarily in order of importance) is;

Will you, as President, continue to support the current military policy of paying militia (mainly Sunnis) in Iraq to "convert" and stop attacking American troops? If so, why not just give cash to everyone in Iraq and a bonus to those who turn in their weapons? Do you actually believe the practice of cash for support is an example of "winning the hearts and minds" that will lead to a lasting peace in Iraq?

Answer the questions! No "spin" please.

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