Sunday, February 08, 2009


Let us enter into a fantasy world that allowed the GOP to get what they apparently want. I say apparently because after listening to every single Republican representative in both the House and the Senate and every single talking head pundit on TV and the radio I have only heard two words being repeated over and over again. "Tax Cuts". They say these words as if they are magic, which they of course are not. I have heard NO ideas or proposals (other than the two words, tax cuts) presented by any member of the GOP to even begin to bring America and its citizens back from the cliff of economic ruin. Needless spending is not the answer either but the Republicans have decided that no idea or proposal or legislation presented by the majority party is acceptable and they have made this decision before, during and after the fact. The fact that they are and will be against ANY proposals made by the current administration or the current majority in both houses of Congress leaves any thinking person with a raw but simple truth. The Republican party and its elected officials have no dedicated interest in the welfare of this nation or its citizens. Even if proposals made by the Democrats turn out to be wrong or not as successful as promised it appears better to at least try.

But, perhaps not.

Let us pretend for a minute that the Republicans actually got exactly what they want. Tax cuts, tax cuts and more tax cuts. If tax cuts are the final solution why not eliminate ALL taxes altogether. No more income taxes for individuals or business. No more capital gains or estate taxes. No more federal excise or gas taxes. No more sales taxes. No social security or medicare taxes, No more taxes, period.

I would like to know from Republicans or anyone else what their predictions would be for the condition of the American economy and American citizens if all taxes were completely eliminated. Since there would be no federal revenue coming in there would by definition be no ability for the Federal Government to spend any money. Military spending for America's defense? Sorry, no money. Social security benefits or medical assistance to American citizens? Sorry, no money. Money for the federal highway system or National Park system or border or port protection? Sorry, no money. Federal funds going to Education or any of the arts or science or medical research? Sorry, no money. The individual States of the United States of America would be on their own and so would all citizens. If the Republican Party is truly committed to cutting taxes until there are no taxes then they should stand up say it and also be willing and prepared to present a plan or at least an explanation or some survival tips when the Federal Government stops functioning.

The only good news with eliminating the revenue to the Federal Government is that there would be virtually no further need for the partisans that have flooded the chambers and halls of Government for so long. "We the people" would no longer have to listen to the stream of lies and ill conceived promises that spew from the mouths of "leaders: from both political parties. Oh, and the "special interest groups" would be forced to find a new group to try and bribe and influence.

Unless the Republicans truly believe that the above fantasy then one must assume that at least some of them will concede that there is and should be some form of Federal Government. The issue then becomes to what degree and the amounts rather than the principle of their rantings. The Republicans and the Democrats need to come to some agreement quickly or my advice is for them all to simply go home. We are weary of the gridlock and the bickering. DO SOMETHING one way or the other!

American citizens must realize that the Federal Government or their State Government nor any particular President is going to "save" them from their own decisions or mistakes or is the only salvation for an economy now facing the results of years of excess and false optimism. The collective "we" have let ourselves get buried by the mindless spending of money we did not actually have and fell into the trap of actually believing that debts could just continue to build without ever having to pay in full. "We" let ourselves be fooled into a false sense of security by the fantasy values that the market told us our houses we "worth" when it should have been obvious to anyone thinking about it that the numbers were not real. But, mortgage firms and banks fed the game by granting loans to millions who should never have gotten them and providing so called "equity loans" to many millions of homeowners that allowed those millions to go out and buy, buy, and buy, thus keeping the economic wheels turning. Well, now that game is over. The jig is up. The lending industry and millions of citizens made their decisions and enjoyed those decisions for a number of years. Now everyone must pay the price for those decisions and I, for one, do not agree that tax dollars should be used to bail out anyone or any business, period. Capitalism is designed so that if a business or individual makes prudent and proper decisions profit and survival are the rewards. If not, those businesses or individuals must be allowed to fail and then attempt to begin again.

If excess spending and illogical decisions are the root causes of our present crisis, how can it make sense to try and implement programs that involve even more spending and to encourage citizens who are in deep financial trouble to take whatever money comes to them in the form of stimulus funding and go right out and spend it thus creating the whole cycle all over again?

I believe that before this nation and its citizens can have any real hope of recovery or finding their way back to collective sanity, we must feel whatever pain there is and clear out our personal debt and begin to make decisions that will allow for individual and family growth in a manner that will prevent "us" from being in the same place and condition two, five or ten years from now.

It's "Time To Think Again"

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